Salons By JC - A Community of Beauty Experts
One of the keys to being a successful business owner is to understand yourself. What excites you? What makes you nervous or anxious? How do you work through challenges? How do you make decisions? I was always confident in the big decisions I made, like buying a car. I wanted to be thorough, so I took plenty of time to shop, test drive cars, talk to friends and family, and compare loans. When you have your own business, you often do not have the time to gather all the information you need to feel comfortable with a decision. For example, you might have to offer a potential employee a position quickly if they have another job offer on the table and you have not heard from all their references. I recommend you weigh the pros and cons of hiring the person to determine if it is better to proceed or wait. How much business can you book if you hire them now? What other potential employees have applied for t...